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Beschreiben Sie bitte mit eigenen Worten, was für eine Immobilie suchen Sie oder was für eine Immobilie wollen Sie uns anbieten. Bitte, vergessen Sie nicht an die Lokalität und Preisspanne der gewünschten/angebotenen Immobilie.
Barnett & Partners s.r.o.
Online Office | Drieňová 1H | Eden Park , 821 01 Bratislava | Slovakia | IČO: 44201133, Zapísaná v Obchodnom registri Okresného súdu Bratislava 1, oddiel: Sro, vložka: 52641/BNO MATTER WHETHER YOU SELL PRODUCTS OR SERVICES, YOU ALWAYS SELL FEELINGS.
Professionalism, efficiency, creativity and above-standard approach is guaranteed with us.
We focus on providing high-quality and professional services – the sale and leasing of apartments, houses, and commercial premises in Slovakia and abroad. We always choose an innovative and creative approach. Professional preparation of a marketing, time and sales plan is the main key to the successful achievement of our common goal.
Individually designed high-quality descriptions of properties or exclusive video profiles enable above-standard marketing of each property. Take advantage of brand marketing for your success. If you pursue your ambitious goals, live passionately, act professionally and appreciate exclusivity, you are at the right place.
We look forward to meeting you. Imagine ADRID REAL
+421(0)948 805 905, +421 902 317 820
info@barnettpartners.sk Kontaktinformationen